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The Gospel Made Me a Balanced Christian
- Dayhee Jang, Hanmaum Church -

Immersed in a convoluted faith, I almost hit bottom as a maladjusted and incompetent person. But after meeting the risen Jesus, I became a witness of the resurrection, and God changed me not only into a person who does his best in society but also a balanced Christian who can decently influence others as the salt and light of this world.

I am certain that this is the true power of the gospel.
The gospel can change you, too. If this story has touched your heart, please share your thoughts with us at hmu.only.jesus@gmail.com. Your emails give us strength!

Watch more stories of people changed by the gospel here: http://bit.ly/risenlord


List of Articles
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189 [Revised Ver.] My Faith No Longer Depend on My Efforts and Experiences! : Migyoung Jung file 2017.11.02 726
188 [Revised Ver.] I Wanted to be A Man! : Kyung-Ah Seo, Hanmaum Church file 2015.12.12 2790
187 [Revised Ver.] God Really Does Exist! : Suji Seo, Hanmaum Church file 2015.10.09 1423
186 [Revised Ver.] Freed from Homosexuality : Hyejin Oh, Hanmaum Church file 2015.11.14 1050
185 [Revised Ver.] Alcohol Was My Pleasure in Life! : Juree Han, Hanmaum Church file 2017.11.14 714
184 Worldly Logic and Knowledge Laid to Rest Before the Risen Lord! : Young-Jin Shim, Hanmaum Church file 2016.04.07 1087
183 We Preach the Gospel in Canada! -Song-Yi Han, HMU Church- file 2014.10.14 27709
182 Uniting with Jesus Healed My Heart! -Woongyoung Kim, HMU Church- file 2014.10.29 2374
181 True Grace is in the Risen Lord! - Myung-Ryul Lee, HMU Church - file 2014.10.07 2073
180 Through the Gospel he escaped from his game addiction (Amazing Grace 1st) file 2013.04.02 5889
179 The World Kicked Me Out! The Gospel Saved Me! : Sang-Kyun Park, Hanmaum Church file 2017.08.09 829
178 The Risen Lord Freed Me from Epilepsy! : Grace Jun, Hanmaum Church file 2015.10.23 9423
177 The Risen Jesus Saved Me from a Cult! - Wanhee Kang, Hanmaum Church - file 2015.01.22 1832
176 The Resurrection Took My Confusion Away! -Hyunwoo Kim, HMU Church file 2014.09.05 3743
175 The Resurrection of Jesus Makes Repentance Joyful! : Oak-Hee Hahm, Hanmaum Church file 2017.10.12 1134
174 The Old Has Gone, The New Is Here! - Jinhee Yu, Hanmaum Church - file 2015.04.24 107079
173 The Lord Saved Me from Anxiety and Fear of Death! : Yehee Um, Hanmaum Church file 2019.02.13 1103
172 The Gospel Unites People from Different Lands! : Hong-Hwa Cho, Hanmaum Church file 2017.08.09 732
171 The Gospel Turned Around a Life of Sadness! : Chunhwa Kim, Hanmaum Church file 2017.01.10 2205
170 The Gospel Solved My Problem of Homosexuality! : Songyee Kim, Hanmaum Church file 2017.08.09 874
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