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The Gospel Made Me a Balanced Christian
- Dayhee Jang, Hanmaum Church -

Immersed in a convoluted faith, I almost hit bottom as a maladjusted and incompetent person. But after meeting the risen Jesus, I became a witness of the resurrection, and God changed me not only into a person who does his best in society but also a balanced Christian who can decently influence others as the salt and light of this world.

I am certain that this is the true power of the gospel.
The gospel can change you, too. If this story has touched your heart, please share your thoughts with us at hmu.only.jesus@gmail.com. Your emails give us strength!

Watch more stories of people changed by the gospel here: http://bit.ly/risenlord


List of Articles
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189 Homosexuality from God's Perspective! - Claire Lee, Hanmaum Church - file 2015.09.23 240489
188 I Was a Doubting Thomas! : Young-Min Choi, Hanmaum Church file 2018.01.27 141255
187 A Teacher Who Brings Joy to Her Students - Haysun Kim, Hanmaum Church - file 2015.02.28 119595
186 A Gangster Who Wanted to Believe in God! : Jin-Hyun Cho, Hanmaum Church file 2019.02.13 107174
185 The Old Has Gone, The New Is Here! - Jinhee Yu, Hanmaum Church - file 2015.04.24 107079
184 From an Atheist into a Child of God! : Sang-Hee Lee, Hanmaum Church file 2015.11.09 93478
183 My Disabled Son Was an Angel Sent from God! : Bong-Yeh Jo, Hanmaum Church file 2017.11.07 85275
182 I Was an Atheist! -Changmok Jin, HMU Church file 2014.09.05 73758
181 I Was a Drug and Gambling Addict! : Sung-Ju Moon, Hanmaum Church file 2016.06.27 70986
180 I Was an Alcohol Addict! : Won-No Lee, Hanmaum Church file 2018.01.27 65727
179 My Adopted Daughter is Forever My Child in Christ! : Kyung-Ja Lee, Hanmaum Church file 2017.11.28 58771
178 I Was Addicted to Reading! : Jeong-Yeon Park, Hanmaum Church file 2017.11.21 54523
177 From a Supporting Actress to a Star in Heaven! Myung-In Kim, Hanmaum Church file 2017.08.09 44009
176 I Thought I Was Always Right! : Jung-Won Kim, Hanmaum Church file 2017.01.10 41072
175 A School Principal Meets the Risen Lord! -Yeon-Gi Jung, Hanmaum Church- file 2014.11.12 37654
174 My Life Depended on My Friends! : Yeji Kim, Hanmaum Church file 2016.04.26 31749
173 We Preach the Gospel in Canada! -Song-Yi Han, HMU Church- file 2014.10.14 27711
172 From being a Spiritual Medium to becoming a Child of God (Amazing Grace 5th) file 2013.03.19 27117
171 I Preach the Gospel in Canada Under the Threat of Law! : David Yoo, Hanmaum Church file 2017.08.09 24547
170 An Unhappy MK to a Happy Missionary! : Gloria Kang, Hanmaum Church file 2016.01.18 20748
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